Cracked Tooth Repair

Cracked Tooth Repair
in Rosharon, TX

While some may brush off a chipped or cracked tooth as a cosmetic issue, it’s important to remember that your teeth are an integral part of your overall health, and slight damage can seriously degrade your dental health. Seeking cracked tooth repair as soon as possible can prevent further issues and ensure your smile stays healthy, intact, and beautiful.

What Is a Cracked Tooth?

Simply put, a cracked tooth is a line or fracture on a tooth’s surface. There are various types of cracks, each with their distinct characteristics:

  • Craze Lines: Shallow cracks in the surface of the teeth
  • Fractured Cusp: Damage to the pointy part of the biting surface of the teeth
  • Cracked Tooth: A vertical fracture that can extend into the gum line
  • Split Tooth: A tooth broken into multiple parts
  • Vertical Root Fracture: A crack that starts below the gum line and spreads towards the crown

Some are visible to the naked eye, whereas others may require close examination from a dental professional. No matter the type, seeking treatment as soon as possible is important to prevent further damage.

Reasons Why a Tooth Can Fracture

As much as we try to care for our teeth, sometimes life happens, and we end up with a tooth that’s fractured or cracked. While there are various reasons why this can happen, let’s focus on the most common culprits:

Whatever the cause, it’s essential to seek emergency dental attention immediately to prevent further damage and ensure a healthy smile.

How Cracked Tooth Repair Works

Showing up for prompt cracked tooth repair is ultimately the best way to ensure it will be fixed appropriately and your long-term smile health can be maintained. Time and money invested in these repairs will save you from much more extensive, annoying problems.

Repairing a cracked tooth can be straightforward. First, our dentist will examine to determine the extent of the damage. Afterward, they’ll decide the best course of action. Cracking a tooth can be a painful and frustrating experience, but thankfully, there are solutions to get your smile back on track.

If you’ve noticed a small crack or hole in your tooth, a dental filling may be the solution to get your smile back in tip-top shape.

A dental crown may be the answer to repair a cracked tooth and protect it from further damage.

For unsightly, surface-level damage, our cosmetic dentists can place porcelain veneers restore your smile’s appearance.

Depending on the severity of the crack, our dentist may recommend removing the tooth and potentially replacing it.

Don't Ignore Dental Damage

Sometimes, turning your smile around only takes one visit to our Rosharon dental office! With proper care and reliable cracked tooth repair services, your tooth should return to its normal function and appearance quickly. Because Southern Smiles understands that the unpredictable nature of a cracked tooth is challenging enough, we can guide you through the steps to restoring your smile—call (281) 369-5569 or message Southern Smiles for cracked tooth repair.

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