Rosharon Teeth Whitening: Food & Drinks to Avoid After Treatment

Rosharon Teeth Whitening: Food & Drinks to Avoid After Treatment

The days after teeth whitening can be exciting but also nerve-wracking. After all, it’s natural to want to ensure that your results stay pristine and perfect for weeks after treatment! One way to accomplish this is by avoiding certain foods and drinks that could stain or damage your newly whitened teeth.

At Southern Smiles in Rosharon, TX, our cosmetic dentists want to help you enjoy a bright and beautiful smile for as long as possible. Maintaining those gleaming pearly whites requires more than simply undergoing a professional teeth whitening procedure. Continue reading to learn more about what’s off-limits during these crucial days after the procedure!

Dark, High-Pigmented Foods

After scheduling teeth whitening, the last thing you want is to undo your progress. Unfortunately, consuming dark, highly pigmented foods can stain your teeth and reverse all the work you put into getting that sparkling white smile. That’s why it’s important to avoid things like red wine, coffee, and dark chocolate after teeth whitening. Instead, opt for lighter-colored options such as chicken, rice, and bananas to maintain your newly brightened teeth. Your smile will thank you in the long run.

Acidic Foods

A common side effect of teeth whitening is dental sensitivity. Acidic foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and vinegar can often exacerbate dental sensitivity, so avoiding them after teeth whitening is necessary. But don’t fret! You can enjoy plenty of alternative snacks and meals that won’t hinder your whitening results. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy your pearly whites without worrying about irritating your delicate teeth and gums.

Sweet Treats

Indulging in a tiny portion of white chocolate, vanilla pudding, or other light-colored confections is a delightful way to satisfy a persistent sweet tooth. However, it is paramount to take care of your oral health. After enjoying these treats, follow these steps to maintain your pearly whites:

  1. Immediately Rinse Your Mouth with Water: This simple step helps minimize sugar’s impact and prevents it from lingering on your teeth.
  2. Wait Between 30 Minutes to an Hour to Brush Your Teeth: Sugar is acidic, so it’s best to avoid brushing your teeth right after enjoying it to prevent enamel erosion.
  3. Brush Your Teeth: Once the waiting period ends, brush your teeth to remove any remaining sugar particles and maintain your bright smile.

Following these instructions lets you relish your sweet indulgences while safeguarding your oral health.


During the weeks following your teeth whitening treatment, it is strongly recommended to avoid consuming alcohol. However, suppose you find yourself in a situation where it becomes challenging to resist the temptation of enjoying a social drink. In that case, there are some strategies you can employ to minimize the potential impact on your teeth. Some options include:

  • Drinking With a Straw: One option is to use a straw when drinking, which can help reduce direct contact between the beverages and your teeth.
  • Stick to Clear Drinks: Additionally, sticking to clear alcohol options and mixers is advisable. It is important to note that wine should be avoided, as red wine can stain your teeth. Plus, white wine is highly acidic, which can harm your dental health.

Contact Our Rosharon Cosmetic Dentists for More Teeth Whitening Care Tips

After about the third or fourth week after teeth whitening treatment, you can transition to a less restricted diet. Bright, white teeth symbolize health and wellness, and it makes sense that many of us strive for radiant smiles. If you’re interested in professional, in-office teeth whitening in Rosharon, TX, contact Southern Smiles. Call (281) 369-5569 or message us online and prepare to confidently flash those perfect bright smiles!

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