SureSmile vs. Invisalign: Which clear aligner system comes out on top?

SureSmile vs. Invisalign: Which clear aligner system comes out on top?

Are you looking for the ultimate clear aligner system to help you achieve a straight, beautiful smile? If so, it’s time to find out which is better: SureSmile® or Invisalign®. While SureSmile and Invisalign are orthodontic systems that utilize clear aligner trays and attachments to straighten teeth, certain advantages and disadvantages come with each option.

To help make your decision easier, our Rosharon dentists have broken down the details of both these revolutionary treatments so that you can be sure about which best suits your unique oral health needs. From discussing treatment timelines to pricing and more, let’s investigate the differences between SureSmile and Invisalign.

Treatment Time

When achieving that perfect smile, we’re often willing to go the extra mile and endure months of orthodontic treatment. That’s why it’s exciting to learn about innovations like SureSmile—a faster alternative to Invisalign. While Invisalign treatment time can range from 12 to 18 months, SureSmile treatment time ranges from 6 to 18 months. SureSmile clear aligners have an exceptional torque control due to their innovative, proprietary straight-line cut. This design ensures optimal results and reduces the need for attachments, setting us apart from Invisalign. It’s important to note that it generally takes longer to treat more complex cases with either system.


If you’re considering orthodontic treatment, you probably wonder about the cost. Invisalign and SureSmile are popular options that help straighten teeth and create a confident smile. Each system tailors to the patient’s unique needs. The cost of Invisalign ranges from $3,000 to $8,000, while SureSmile treatment costs between $3,000 and $6,000. Since the laboratory fees associated with SureSmile are less expensive, this partly explains the lower cost. Factors like the length of treatment and the complexity of your case play a role in determining the final cost.

Amount of In-Person Visits

Compared to Invisalign, SureSmile typically requires more in-person visits. While this might seem inconvenient at first, it’s quite the opposite! Frequent visits ensure that the treatment is progressing as planned and provide opportunities for your orthodontist to answer any questions you may have and check on your overall oral health. Plus, SureSmile’s high efficiency and precision means that you can achieve your dream smile in less time than other treatments, making the frequent visits all worth it. The journey to a straight, healthy smile with SureSmile will be well worth the effort, progress monitoring, and patience required.

SureSmile Combines Precision & Efficiency

While SureSmile and Invisalign are two of the most popular clear aligner systems currently used today, they vary in terms of cost, effectiveness, length of treatment time, and many more factors.

If you’re considering trying SureSmile, our Rosharon dentists can help you achieve a stunning smile in virtually no time.  Investing in your smile is an investment in yourself. So, why not schedule a consultation with one of our local dentists to see if SureSmile is right for you? Call 281-369-5569 or message us for more information.

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